about jenna

Jenna Kraychy is a dance artist residing in so called “Vancouver”. In 2016, she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Simon Fraser University. Jenna’s practice is informed by her love for site-responsive works that bring people joy and make them laugh. Additionally, her practice is informed by her experience as a dance artist living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Continued education is important to Jenna and thus, has led her to various residencies around the world. Jenna is grateful for generous contributions provided by Canada Council for the Arts and organizations such as The Cultch, and Foolish Operations who have supported her educational and performative pursuits. In addition, Jenna is pursuing her Masters in Counselling Psychology at City University and undertaking a practicum placement at The Adler Centre in Vancouver, BC.

In the Fall of 2020, Jenna formed Little Fish Productions with Sophie Brassard. Together, they have found joy in creating site-responsive, contemporary dance works such as Fantastic Fun Zone. Sophie and Jenna have enjoyed touring Fantastic Fun Zone across British Columbia and most recently in the United Kingdom.

Photos by David Cooper (1) & Gaëtan Nerincx (2 & 3)